
Learn many words with ห้อง

Learn many words with ห้อง

ห้อง (hông) by itself means room. However, in Thai, ห้อง is the classifier for rooms, so it is used as a component in many different words. For many of them, if you know both components, you can guess the word. You’ll see many examples below! Words with ห้อง hông...

Animal sounds in Thai (Onomatopoeia)

Animal sounds in Thai (Onomatopoeia)

Here, I list the 17 most common onomatopoeia for animal sounds in Thai. You will notice that in Thai, animals make different sounds as compared to English. For example, in English, dogs say "woof" but in Thai they say "bók". Or ducks say "quack" in English but "gáap"...

Private Parts in Thai (How to say penis and vagina)

Private Parts in Thai (How to say penis and vagina)

Talking about sexual organs / private parts in Thai is often a taboo topic. For the sake of education, I will teach you. Male Private Part Let's start off with the word penis. In Thai there are few ways to say it. จู๋ jŏo This is the most common way to say penis. Most...

Active voice & Passive voice in Thai

Active voice & Passive voice in Thai

In this article, I will teach you about how to use active and passive voice in Thai. Active voice is when the subject acts upon its verb (ex: I eat the food). Passive voice means that a subject is a recipient of a verb's action (The food was eaten). Let's look at some...

How to say you can’t wait for something in Thai

How to say you can’t wait for something in Thai

In this article, I will explain how to say "I can't wait for something" in Thai. In Thai, we use the word ไหว (wăi) to explain that something is do-able and is within the capacity to do it. In contrast, the word ไม่ไหว (mâi wăi) is used to explain the opposite of...