
Useful Thai word: ผู้

Useful Thai word: ผู้

ผู้ (pôo) is used as a part of many words in Thai. So you will definitely hear this word a lot. Even if you don't know what the entire word means if you hear (pôo) you will know it has something to do with a person or people. If you know the word that comes after pôo...

Useful Thai word – ตู้ dtôo

Useful Thai word – ตู้ dtôo

A very useful Thai word is ตู้ dtôo. This is because dtôo is used as a part of many words. ตู้ dtôo by itself means cabinet/closet/cupboard. There are many cabinet-like compound words in Thai that contain ตู้, making it easy to understand words. For example,...

Understanding Royal words in Thai

Understanding Royal words in Thai

Thai royal words or คำราชาศัพท์ (raa-chaa sàp) can be difficult even for Thais themselves because it is not used in everyday conversation. There are 3 cases in which we use royal words: We use it when talking about the royal familyWhen talking about Jesus as written...

Different ways to say to pray in Thai

Different ways to say to pray in Thai

There are a few ways to say To pray in Thai depending on how you pray. In this article, I'm going to teach you vocabulary and give you context in which each word is used so that you will be able to use them correctly and naturally. Table Of Contentsอธิษฐาน...

Shapes in the Thai Language

Shapes in the Thai Language

In this article, I will teach you all the vocabulary you need to know to be able to talk about the shapes in Thai. Let's start with the word for Shape, which is รูปทรง (rôop song). Another word you should know, which is a base of many of the words you will learn is...

Halloween in Thai Language 🎃 👻

Halloween in Thai Language 🎃 👻

In Thailand, Halloween isn't considered a holiday. Malls might put decorations and bars might have Halloween events but aside from that, it's pretty much non-existent. Having said that, let me teach you some Halloween related vocabulary in Thai. To say Halloween in...

Clothes in Thai Language

Clothes in Thai Language

In this article, I will teach you the vocabulary for all the clothes in Thai and clothes related vocabulary. Let's start with clothes in General. Clothes in general is เสื้อผ้า (sêua pâa). ผ้า pâa by itself means fabric. Words for Clothes in Thai Hat 🧢: หมวก mùakShirt...