October in Thai is ตุลาคม pronounced dtù-laa kom. Like all months (เดือน deuan) in Thai that have 31 days, it ends with คม (kom).
The abbreviated version of ตุลาคม is ต.ค.
The beginning of ตุลาคม is ตุล (dtun) coming from the Libra Zodiac sign. The reason for this is that months in Thai all come from zodiac signs.
The passing of the King Bhumibol Adulyadej

Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX) ภูมิพลอดุลยเดช was the ninth King of Thailand from May 5 1950 – October 13 2016 (the day he passed away). Starting 2017, October 13 became a Thai National Holiday to commemorate his passing.
Chulalongkorn Day
Chulalongkorn day (วันปิยมหาราช wan bpì-yá-má-hăa-râat) is a national Thai Holiday to commemorate King Chulalongkorn ( Rama V ). Chulalongkorn day happens on October 23rd.
I hope you learned how to say October in Thai ตุลาคม dtù-laa kom and also learned about 2 national Thai Holidays.