ก็ (gôr) is somewhat difficult for non-Thais to comprehend because it appears so often in colloquial Thai language and most of the time you can’t translate it directly to English.
In this blog post, I will help you understand the meaning of ก็ and the different uses.

ก็ gôr
ก็ is mainly used to connect causes and effects, before and after events. Many times it can be understood as ‘then’ in English.
- If you don’t work then you won’t have money to spend.
tâa mâi tam ngaan gôr mâi mee ngern chái - If you don’t get hurt then you won’t remember
mâi jèp gôr mâi jam - I just spoke a bit, everyone then turned to see.
แค่พูดนิดเดียว ทุกคนก็หันมามอง
kâe pôot nít dieow · túk kon gôr hăn maa mong - I just dropped my phone lightly then it broke.
ทำมือถือตกเบาๆ หน้าจอก็แตกแล้ว
tam meu tĕu dtòk bao bao · nâa jor gôr dtàek láew
แล้วก็ láew gôr / แล้ว…ก็ láew…gôr
Another form of ก็ you will hear very often is แล้วก็ láew gôr. แล้วก็ means “and then” but many times we use it as just “and”.
- Finish the homework and go sleep right away.
tam gaan bâan sèt láew gôr bpai non loie ná - I go first and then you go later.
chăn bpai gòn láew ter gôr kôi bpai ná - Eat first and then play later.
gin gòn láew gôr kôi lâyn - I like to eat bread and Pad Thai and Cake.
chăn chôp gin kà-nŏm bpang láew gôr pàt tai láew gôr káyk
(Subject)…ก็เลย gôr loie
ก็เลย is a pattern you will see very often. ก็เลย means “as a result”, “therefore”, “so”. You will see some examples below.
- You don’t exercise therefore you are not strong.
เธอไม่ออกกำลังกาย · เธอ · ก็เลยไม่แข็งแรง
ter mâi òk gam-lang gaai · ter · gôr loie mâi kăeng raeng - I don’t understand so I ask you.
ผมไม่เข้าใจ · ผมก็เลยถามคุณ
pŏm mâi kâo jai · pŏm gôr loie tăam kun - I don’t like him therefore I won’t talk to him.
ฉันไม่ชอบเขา · ฉัน · ก็เลยไม่พูดกับเขา
chăn mâi chôp kăo · chăn · gôr loie mâi pôot gàp kăo
ถ้า…ก็จะ tâa..gôr jà
This is an if…then sentence. ถ้า (tâa) means if, จะ (jà) means ‘will’. Adding จะ to ก็ gives a future or conditional feeling to the sentence.
- If you listen carefully, you will understand what I say.
ถ้าเธอตั้งใจฟัง เธอก็จะเข้าใจสิ่งที่ฉันพูด
tâa ter dtâng jai fang · ter gôr jà kâo jai sìng têe chăn pôot - If you do it, you will get an award.
ถ้าเธอทำได้ เธอก็จะได้รางวัล
tâa ter tam dâai · ter gôr jà dâai raang-wan - If you love me, I will love you.
ถ้าคุณรักฉัน ฉันก็จะรักคุณ
tâa kun rák chăn · chăn gôr jà rák kun
ถ้า…ก็คงจะ gôr kong jà
This pattern is very similar to the previous one except it adds a little uncertainty to the phrase.
คง (kong) means probably. If being sure is 100% percent, คง is 70-80%.
- If I had a lot of money, then it would be good.
ถ้ามีเงินเยอะๆ ก็คงจะดี
tâa mee ngern yúh ๆ · gôr kong jà dee - If you can read then you can probably speak better.
tâa àan dâai gôr kong jà pôot gàyng kêun - If you don’t have a wife then you probably don’t have a kid.
tâa mâi mee pan-rá-yaa gôr kong jà mâi mee lôok
พอ…ก็ por…gôr
This pattern means once…then. i.e once you do this…then this happens.
- Once kids are full they cry for mommy.
por dèk dèk gin ìm gôr róng hăa mâe - Once I got there he already closed the door.
por bpai tĕung kăo gôr bpìt bprà-dtoo láew
เมื่อ…ก็ mêua…gôr
This pattern is similar to the previous one, but this one means when…then. i.e when you do this…then this happens.
- When you are ready then I’ll be right here waiting for you.
mêua ter próm chăn gôr jà yòo têe nêe ror ter - When we are far apart then we start to forget each other.
mêua kon-rao-hàang gan gôr rêrm leum gan
กว่า…ก็ gwàa…gôr
This pattern means “by the time this happens then that happens”. You’ll see examples below.
- By the time you finish studying then I will be working already.
gwàa ter jà rian jòp chăn gôr tam ngaan láew - By the time the kids grow up, the mom and dad are old already.
กว่าลูกๆจะ โตพ่อแม่ก็แก่แล้ว
gwàa lôok lôok jà · dtoh pôr mâe gôr gàe láew
ยังไม่ทัน (…) ก็ (…) yang mâi tan … gôr
This pattern means “Didn’t get to do (something) when (something else) happened”.
- Didn’t get to finish speaking when he hung up.
yang mâi tan pôot jòp kăo gôr dtàt săai láew
If you want to know more about this pattern, check out our article.
ถึง(แม้ว่า)…ก็ tĕung (máe wâa)…gôr
This pattern means “even though …”, “even if ….”, and “no matter …”.
- Even though you don’t love me, I still love you.
ถึงแม้ว่าเธอจะไม่รักฉัน ฉันก็ยังรักเธอ
tĕung máe wâa ter jà mâi rák chăn · chăn gôr yang rák ter - Even though you don’t understand, I will explain.
ถึงเธอจะไม่เข้าใจ ฉันก็จะอธิบาย
tĕung ter jà mâi kâo jai · chăn gôr jà à-tí-baai - No matter how difficult, I will do it.
ถึงจะยากเท่าไร ฉันก็จะทำ
tĕung jà yâak tâo rai · chăn gôr jà tam
หรือไม่…ก็ rĕu mâi gôr
This means “if not…then”, “otherwise … then”..
- If you want to study languages then go to school, if not then apply online.
tâa yàak rian paa-săa gôr bpai rohng rian rĕu mâi gôr sà-màk on-lai - If you want to live with your boyfriend then you have to quit your job, otherwise break up with him.
ถ้าอยากอยู่กับแฟนก็ต้องลาออก หรือไม่เธอก็เลิกกับแฟนไปเลย
tâa yàak yòo gàp faen gôr dtông laa òk · rĕu mâi ter gôr lêrk gàp faen bpai loie
ทั้ง(ทั้ง)ที่…ก็ táng (táng) têe…gôr
This means in spite of, despite, although, “even though“.
- Although you know that I don’t like you still do it.
ทั้งทั้งที่รู้ว่าฉันไม่ชอบ เธอก็ยังจะทำ
táng táng têe róo wâa chăn mâi chôp · ter gôr yang jà tam - Even though it’s wrong, I still love.
táng têe pìt gôr yang rák - Despite having money I can’t do anything for you.
táng têe mee ngern dtàe gôr tam à-rai pêua ter mâi dâa
I hope you now know the meaning of ก็ and how to use ก็ in different sentences and situations.
As I mentioned in the beginning, ก็ is used in many different patterns to help clarify the cause and effect of an event. Many clauses will make no sense or sound foreign without using the word ก็.