In this article, I will explain how to say “I can’t wait for something” in Thai.

In Thai, we use the word ไหว (wăi) to explain that something is do-able and is within the capacity to do it. In contrast, the word ไม่ไหว (mâi wăi) is used to explain the opposite of that.
The pattern is:
1.Verb + wăi
2.Verb + mâi wăi
Can’t wait in Thai
The word for “to wait” is รอ (ror). So to say you “can’t wait for something” in Thai it would be: รอไม่ไหว (ror mâi wăi).
Let’s see some more examples:
- I can’t wait to meet you! (with enthusiasm)
ror mâi wăi láew têe jà dâai jer - I can’t wait to finish studying
chăn ror mâi wăi têe jà rian hâi jòp
🔺 A very common mistake is saying รอไม่ได้ (ror mâi dâai). This is incorrect because this would mean you LITERALLY cannot wait.
I hope you understand how to use รอไม่ไหว (ror mâi wăi) to say you can’t wait for something in Thai.
These phrases and many more all come from my FREE e-book which also includes audios for each chapter and other useful phrases!